
Call for Submissions

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AGRICOM Conference



Call for Submissions


Invited Speaker

Final Programme and Documentation


Directions to Venue

Hotels & Restaurants



The final conference of the AGRICOM Project has officially launched its Call for Papers, Presentations, and Posters. The AGRICOM Consortium is organising the AGRICOM Conference: International Symposium on Advances in Irrigation and Hydroponics in order to raise the awareness of the stakeholders in the agricultural sector concerning competence modelling, with a special focus on hydroponics and irrigation. Thus the AGRICOM Conference aims to provide an opportunity for meeting and discussion between scientists and experts from all over Europe who deal with competence modelling as well as educational and training issues in the field of agriculture.


The AGRICOM Conference invites submissions of research papers, project presentations, and posters on fully‐developed results, on‐going work or innovative concepts related to the following topics:

  •  Competence models for the agricultural sector
  •  Social communities for the agricultural sector
  • Learning outcomes and competences orientation
  • Competence & skill development in agriculture
  • The latest developments in hydroponics techniques
  • The latest developments in irrigation techniques



The AGRICOM Conference is of especial relevance for (but not limited to) the following professions:

  • Agronomists, horticulturalists, greenhouse and nursery managers, extension specialists, and people involved in crop management
  • International institutions harmonising competence descriptions in agriculture
  • National & regional authorities describing competences in policies in agriculture
  • HR Managers describing training needs for employees in agriculture
  • Managers in irrigation or hydroponic describing working places (job descriptions) in agriculture
  • HR Managers measuring their employees (competence gap analysis) in agriculture
  • VET providers describing their training solutions in agriculture
  • National institutions harmonising VET (professional framework) in agriculture
  • Individuals planning and personal development in agriculture
  • Organisations developing their own competence model profile (including the use cases in bullet point 3 to 8 above) in agriculture
  • Investors in hydroponics assessing the employees of a plant
  • Service plants for irrigation and hydroponic systems



Submission Guidelines for Papers:

Submissions of research paper abstracts (maximum eight pages) must be sent by July 15h, 2013, using the official AGRICOM research paper template. All papers will be reviewed by the international scientific AGRICOM Programme Committee through double‐blind peer review. Submitters will be informed of their acceptance by the 15th of July 2013. All accepted papers can be presented at the AGRICOM conference, will be published in the official conference proceedings (with ISBN), and distributed to all conference participants as well as internationally.

Paper proposals should not exceed eight A4 pages, including figures and references, using the following format guidelines AGRICOM_2013_Call_Paper_Template.doc .

Submission Guidelines for Project Presentations:

Submissions of project presentation abstracts (maximum one page) must be sent by July 15th, 2013, using the official AGRICOM project presentation template. All accepted project presentations can be presented at the AGRICOM conference, will be published in the official conference proceedings (with ISBN), and distributed to all conference participants as well as internationally. The proceedings will be distributed to all conference participants as well as internationally.

Project proposals should not exceed one A4 pages, including figures and references, using the following format guidelines AGRICOM_2013_Call_Project_Template.doc .

Submission Guidelines for Posters:

Submissions of posters must be sent by July 15th, 2013, using the official AGRICOM poster template. All accepted posters will be displayed at the AGRICOM conference, and the abstracts will be published in the official conference proceedings (with ISBN), and distributed to all conference participants as well as internationally.

Poster submissions should not exceed four A4 pages, using the following format guidelines AGRICOM_2013_Call_Poster_Template.doc . Authors of posters accepted for presentation will be required to prepare a max. A1 size poster for display.



For all accepted submissions, publication and insertion in the conference programme will be subject to at least one author conference registration and payment.



Overview of the important dates:

-          Submission deadline: July 15, 2013; extended to 15th July 

-          Notification of acceptance: August 1, 2013

-          Early-bird registration rate ends: August 1st, 2013

-          Camera-ready copy due: August 23, 2013

-          Conference date: September 19-20, 2013




Please send your submissions via e-mail till 15th of July (extension) to the AGRICOM Conference Team at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), Germany:
agricom.conference (at) icb.uni-due.de




To learn about the newest updates regarding the AGRICOM Conference & International Symposium on Advances in Irrigation and Hydroponics and to provide feedback to the hosts, please visit the project website at www.agriculture-competence.eu, like the AGRICOM Facebook page at www.facebook.com/AGRICOMProjec tand follow the AGRICOM Twitter account at twitter.com/AGRICOM_Project. Direct enquiries and submissions can be sent to the AGRICOM Conference Team at the University of Duisburg‐Essen (UDE), Germany, via email to: agricom.conference (at) icb.uni-due.de. The AGRICOM Conference is sponsored by Italian Horticultural Society (SOI) (www.soihs.it).


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