


AGRICOM Conference



Call for Submissions


Invited Speaker

Final Programme and Documentation


Directions to Venue

Hotels & Restaurants




International Symposium on Advances in Irrigation and Hydroponics 

Public Event on Competence & Skills Development in Agriculture 

- LIVE STREAMING AVAILABLE HERE: http://vconf.unitus.it/index.php/convegno-agricom -


The AGRICOM Conference took place from the 19th to the 20th of September and included a technical tour and excursion at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy.


Participants of the International Symposium on Advances in Irrigation and HydroponicsTechnical tour at Albani & Ruggieri Company, Civitavecchia (RM) www.albani.itTechnical tour at Albani & Ruggieri Company, Civitavecchia (RM) www.albani.it


Target audience:

1. Agronomists, horticulturalists, greenhouse and nursery managers, extension specialists, and people involved with the production of plants.

2. International institutions harmonising competence descriptions in Agriculture

3. National & regional authorities describing competences in policies in Agriculture

4. HR Managers describing training needs for your employees in Agriculture

5. Managers in irrigation or hydroponic describing working places (job descriptions) in Agriculture

6. HR Managers measuring their employees (competence gap analysis) in Agriculture

7. VET provider describing their training solutions in Agriculture

8. National institutions harmonising VET (professional framework) in Agriculture

9. Individual planning personal development in Agriculture

10. Organisations developing an own competence model profile (includes the use cases in bullet point 3 to 8 above) in Agriculture

11. Investors in hydroponic assessing the employees of a plant

12. Service plants for irrigation and hydroponic systems

13. All other interested parties!


Contact Information

Please contact the conference team at agricom.conference@icb.uni-due.de.


Overview of the AGRICOM Conference

The AGRICOM consortium has been organising the AGRICOM European Conference “Agriculture & Competences: Challenges in Hydroponic and Irrigational Training”, raising the awareness of the stakeholders in the agricultural sector regarding competence modelling with a special focus on hydroponics and irrigation. The AGRICOM European Conference aims to provide an opportunity for meeting and discussion between scientists and experts from all over Europe who deal with competence modelling as well as development and training issues in the field of agriculture.


AGRICOM Conference Objectives

• To reflect the current experience of competence modelling & vocational education and training in the area of Agriculture
• To present success case studies in the design of competence based trainings in Agriculture
• To discuss the latest developments in hydroponics and irrigation




Conference Venue:

The conference took place at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy.


Overview of the important dates:


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be
made of the information contained therein.